Make It All Better

What’s wrong with the
Whole world and why
Do I feel like I want to live
In a cave somewhere
Far away from these redundant
Songs being forced into
My ears at the market
While I’m shopping
Somehow having this
Symbiotic experience with
The world just like a clone
Of everyone else as I sift
Through objects that
Don’t matter and won’t
Matter even five years after
From now on… and what is the
Bland stale scent of
Nothingness in the air
The humming of electric cars
It’s taking it too far for us to care
Sounds like we have money
Driving through the parking lot
Where there are so many
That have nothing am I part of
The problem or the solution?
Want to get away from
The pollution of our existence
People are so sweet gentle
And kind walking through life
Why do I feel like I’m losing my mind
Like I’d rather be deaf
Dumb and blind unable
To process everything
That is going on around me
Wait a minute hold the door
There’s someone on the ground
I spoke too soon because
Some buffoon of a jerk
Knocked a gal down in the street
I saw it with my own eyes no joke
Backed up with the car door open
Knocked her off her feet
Provoked? Looks like nothing’s broken
She’s okay but how’s my faith
In humanity today? Or the world?
I think it’s sad when a Pop-Tart is
What we’re left with
To make it all better

© GÄ

Published by

Geino Äotsch

Just a regular person.