
So many moments palmy
Wrapped up like honey
Sticky and holding tightly
To the echt delicious notion
We will find ourselves
Munificently dangling
From the edge of our
Commingled existence again
Was it just the possibility
That I could find you
Unequivocally on the other
Side of all that smoke
Running faster towards
You before your heart
Gave way to the attack
Of our love like a medical
Condition the leftovers
From our legacy will be
Defined by our passion
And not by the inability
To keep going on
Holding strong to one
Another same as the glue that
Holds the water to the earth
Perhaps the gravity of
Our love was an experiment
In life and death
An experiment in memories
That live on even without
Our continued participation
Frozen in time worn and
Damaged suspension
Components of eternal love
So many moments palmy
Swarming around the comb
Of our honey with our
Backs against the beach
Tears streaming down our faces
Just as the stars reach out
To one another without
Ever really touching

© GÄ

Published by

Geino Äotsch

Just a regular person.